Sunday, August 24, 2014

Searched by


Journalist, Historian, Blogger and Anthropologist
(Ph: +92 331 5446020, E Mail:

Kohsarean people used many vagitables in old and the last days of agri based culture of Circle Bakote, Murree Hills and Galyat. These botanicle spices are available in modern time but new Kosarean genration have no knowledge about it. Hazara Gazetteer (translated by Prof. Iftekhar Ahmed) narrates all this kind of vegetables of Kohsar. Internet access made it possible about knowledge of these useful plants. It is not my writing but it is my search and I only copy it on blog.

Podophyllum emodii
Pafanno or Ban Kakrhi
Stopowiec himalajski 
Synonym: Podophyllum emodii
Family: Podophyllaceae - stopowcowate
Origin: Hazara, Pothohar - lower floors of the Himalayas
Frost resistance zone: Galyat
Position: partial shade, shade; soil moist, well-drained, rich
Height: 50 to 100 cm
Flowering period: May to July
Local name: Pafanno or Ban Kakrhi
From May until flowering Moshpuri stopowca list as umbrellas are folded along the stems sprouting from the ground. After the release of pale pink single flowers that grow cereals on sunny days and cloudy it closes, leaves grow: they are large, dłoniasto powcinane, green with brown spots. A juvenile develops after just one leaf, the older of two or three. Peculiar are the fruits stopowca - the size of an egg, bright red, one pozawieszane under the leaves. Stopowiec grows quite slowly but is long-lived. Stopowiec Himalayan is promising for the future of medicine (to inhibit the development of cancer) - in the garden should be treated as a poisonous plant.  <more details>

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